Checkered Dock Worker Beanie | green cream and orange; a simple and practical docker cap that is cut just above the ears. The skull hat is made of a vintage blanket from 100% pure wool, finished with a hand stiched wool felt binding.
We already washed the hat in steamy hot water with olive soap for the felting process for the final appearance, so it won’t shrink anymore in case you need to clean it. So you can wash it hot and rinse it with cold water. Then tumble it in the centrifuge, and model the bally on your head while still damp. Check Order & Item Inquiries on how to take care of your Dock Worker Beanie.
This Checkered Dock Worker Beanie has a head size of circa 58 cm but can be backordered in other sizes as long as the material is available. Out of stock? We can always make you a hat from a different blanket, just let us know.
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